Fotoeins Fotografie

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Vikky Alexander, Extreme Beauty, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC, Canada,

Fotoeins Friday at Vancouver AG: Vikky Alexander

Above/featured: “Model Suite” (2005 series) from left-to-right, respectively: “Overview”, “Sliding Door”, “Bedroom”.

The following description is directly from the Vancouver Art Gallery where Vikky Alexander’s work is on exhibition until 26 January 2020.

“Vikky Alexander: Extreme Beauty” is the first retrospective of this notable Canadian artist whose work interrogates the mechanisms of display that shape meaning, beauty and desire in our culture. Comprising more than 80 works in a variety of media, Extreme Beauty examines the major themes that have occupied Alexander for more than three decades of her career, including the appropriated image, the artificiality of nature and the seduction of space.

I made the photo above on 15 Oct 2019 with a Fujifilm X70 fixed-lens prime (18.5/28) and the following settings: 1/12-sec, f/8, and ISO4000. This post appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com as

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