Fotoeins Fotografie

location bifurcation, place vs. home

T05 Heidelberg: my take on a classic shot


This is a place I once called home.

I have no pictures or images of my 2 years in town and schlepping up to and down from KĂśnigstuhl hill. 2001 to 2003 remain firm in heart and mind.

But this image of Königstuhl and Heidelberg’s Old Town I got today: this will do very nicely as well.

In evening light, castle ruins sit on Königstuhl’s lower flank (centre), with the Old Bridge over the Neckar river and Church of the Holy Spirit (right).

I made the image above with an iPhone15 on 12 May 2024. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.

T04 Darmstadt: fossil site Messel pit


Located near the town of Messel outside of Darmstadt, about 20-minutes south from Frankfurt by train, the Grube Messel (Messel pit fossil site) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, inscribed since 1995. With perfect hindsight, it’s hard to believe people once wanted to use the pit as a garbage dump. Most fossils found thus far are dated to an age of about 48 million years (48 Ma, middle Eocene).

Near-complete fossil of equine-predecessor “propalaeotherium voigti” (c. 48 Ma). The size is comparable to a small present-day dog.
Fossil of possibly world’s earliest python: “messelopython freyi” (c. 48 Ma). The fossil itself is comparable to an adult human hand.
About 60 metres (200 feet) deep and 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) wide, the pit area remains an active archaeological site.

I made all images above with an iPhone15 on 11 May 2024. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.

T03 Darmstadt: gutsy city, MathildenhĂśhe


In Darmstadt about 20-minutes south from Frankfurt by train, the Mathildenhöhe (Mathilda Heights) Artists’ Colony is a UNESCO World Heritage Site inscribed since 2021. Pictured in afternoon light: at left, the Wedding Tower by J.M. Olbrich in 1908; at right, the Russian Chapel by L.N. Benois in 1899; and at lower-centre, the Lily Basin by A. Müller in 1914.

I made the image above with an iPhone15 on 10 May 2024. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.

Fotoeins Friday: Berlin Neue Nationalgalerie, 2 of 5

I’d been to Berlin countless times between 2002 and 2020, much of my time inhabiting a lot of different spaces and streets. In late-2021, borders and skies slowly reopened to international travel, as the world began turning a corner in an early post-vaccination age. I hopped some 8000-kilometres to the other side of the planet for 10 days in Berlin. I also finally returned to visit the Neue Nationalgalerie (New National Gallery) for the first time in over 10 years. From their collection, I highlight this month five works of art from the early 20th-century.

Die Skatspieler (The Skat Players), Otto Dix, 1920.

I made the photo above on 26 Nov 2021 with a Fujifilm X70 fixed-lens prime and these settings: 1/125-sec, f/3.6, ISO4000, and 18mm focal length (28mm full-frame equivalent). This post appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com as

T02 Hello again, Main-hattan


It’s travel day number 2, having flown the red-eye over the big eastern pond, and landing in Frankfurt am Main for day 1 in Europe. Frankfurt is a familiar and welcome sight.

With shops closed, I’ve arrived to national statutory holiday Christihimmelfahrt (Ascension of Christ), but it’s also Europe Day, marking the 1950 anniversary of the Schuman declaration.

625pm light on the towers, from Frankfurt central station – 9 May 2024 (iP15).

I made the image above with an iPhone15 on 9 May 2024. This post composed within Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.