Fotoeins Fotografie

location bifurcation, place vs. home
Academic Quadrangle, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada,

Fotoeins Friday: The Quad in Summer (SFU)

Simon Fraser University (SFU) is located at the summit of Burnaby Mountain at an altitude of 370 metres (1210 feet). With five years spent on the “hill”, I’ve seen how the ceiling for low-cloud (stratus) can often be below the summit during late-autumn and winter. This means the university campus is buried in thick opaque grey which can be very depressing. But when clouds break as shown above on a clear summer morning, I’m reminded why this view of the Academic Quadrangle and the adjacent reflecting pool is an enduring and iconic image, one that’s representative and memorable of earning my B.Sc. degree at SFU.

I made the photo on 1 July 2013 with the Canon 450D, 18-55 kit-lens, and the following settings: 1/640s, f/8, ISO200, 18mm focal length (29mm full-frame equivalent). This post appears on Fotoeins Fotopress at as

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