BlurbOZ Sydney Photowalk

As part of a week-long period of activities, Blurb Australia sponsored a photo-walk through Sydney’s Hyde Park and the Domain. Leading a group of about 40 to 50 interested photographers was Daniel Milnor. He assigned two tasks throughout the afternoon. First, we had the option of photographing back-lit situations, or making a set of photos with different textures as the theme. The second assignment was learning how to make portraits: how to prepare by looking for suitable light, how to approach people, how to connect with people, and how to frame people in a portrait. The day ended with drinks at the nearby Arthouse Hotel for conversation with photographers and bookmakers with a variety of soft- and hard-cover photobooks on display.

BlurbOZ Photowalk, Sydney, Australia


BlurbOZ Photowalk, Sydney, Australia

A boy and his balloon

BlurbOZ Photowalk, Sydney, Australia

1st portrait try: R.

BlurbOZ Photowalk, Sydney, Australia

2nd portrait try: E.

Another thing I learned was advice about the present state of photography; the necessity of hard work, perseverance, and patience; and about the disconnect between what’s popular and what’s important. I gained a great deal of encouragement by what I’ve learned over the last few days.

Disclosure: Promotional. I received promotional consideration in the form of coupons from Blurb Australia. I made the photos above on 21 May 2013. This post appears on Fotoeins Fotopress at

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