Fotoeins Fotografie

location bifurcation, place vs. home

My Sydney: 2 Caffeinated Highlights

Here are two more great joints in Sydney for a delicious cuppa joe …

Ampersand, Paddington

During the German film festival, I’d been up and down Oxford Street between the two cinemas, and one cafe in particular near the Palace Verona cinema was a standout. The Ampersand Café Bookstore is a cozy place with fresh coffee, friendly staff, and a lot of books; there’s seating inside and outside. Had I stayed for long, I would’ve gotten lost in a large mug and many books on art, cinema, and photography.

Ampersand Café Bookstore, 78 Oxford Street, Paddington.

Ampersand Cafe and Bookstore, Paddington, Sydney

Ampersand Cafe and Bookstore, Paddington, Sydney

Ampersand Cafe and Bookstore, Paddington, Sydney

bRu, North Bondi

While at Bondi early one April-morning to photograph the morning light, I found a tiny café called “bRu coffee”. The café is at the corner of Brighton Boulevard and Campbell Parade, near the bus loop where some bus-routes from the CBD terminate in North Bondi. A warm lifesaver on a cool morning, this place is a definite fave among local residents. There aren’t many seats inside or outside, and given its location, many get their takeaways for a morning walk on the beach or for their work-commute into the City. I liked this place so much I returned to Bondi two weeks later to photograph the surf. Over a large flat white, I chatted with the staff and with “Mr. Vitamins” himself, Mr. Abraham James.

bRu coffee, 101 Brighton Boulevard, North Bondi.

bRu coffee, North Bondi, Sydney, Australia

bRu coffee, North Bondi, Sydney, Australia

bRu coffee, North Bondi, Sydney, Australia

I made the photos above on 12 and 19 May 2013. This post appears on Fotoeins Fotopress at

4 Responses to “My Sydney: 2 Caffeinated Highlights”

  1. Anita Mac

    Love the coffee cup shot….it’s a great picture! oh yeah – and Paddington is always awesome! Wish I was down there exploring – feeling a little homesick for my second home!


    • fotoeins

      Hi and thanks, Anita! The one thing I’ve learned (and didn’t expect) about Sydney is that Sydneysiders definitely love their coffee. Already a great area to visit, Paddington has its fair share of tiny cozy cafés. For just the two cafés mentioned here, I enjoyed visiting them by accident! 🙂 Also, it would be awesome to see Sydney through your eyes; that there are a number of ongoing photography festivals happening in Sydney are a great (and dangerous) distraction, too. Thanks again for reading and for your comment!


  2. Adam

    These look like my kinds of coffee shops! Not to mention I’m a big fan of anything “ampersand.”


    • fotoeins

      Hey, Adam!

      Both places have a lot of character. Ampersand is almost like a reading room; grab a cuppa joe and then immerse in the glory of many many books. bRu is basically a Kaffee-Imbiss, which gets a lot of foot-traffic from locals. That it’s close (but not *too* close) to Bondi Beach is a big plus. 🙂

      I’m enjoying your posts about Tel Aviv! 🙂 Tel Aviv and Beirut are two places on that side of the Mediterranean which I’d like to visit soon. Thanks for reading and for your comment!



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