Fotoeins Fotografie

location bifurcation, place vs. home

Posts tagged ‘Spanish Banks’

Spanish Banks, Salish Sea, Strait of Georgia, Georgia Strait, Vancouver, British Columbia,

Fotoeins Friday: Spanish Banks’ sunset over the Salish Sea

The Salish Sea, 5 of 5.

The Salish Sea is a body of water encompassing Georgia Strait, Howe Sound, Burrard Inlet, Puget Sound, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The sea is named after the Coast Salish people who are the first inhabitants of the region. The renaming without displacing the old geographic names occurred in 2010.

Any sign of an early summer arrives with temperatures stretching past the 21C/70F mark. Vancouver residents flock to the beaches at Spanish Banks for time with family, friends, and their furry pets. There’s beach volleyball; there are leashed dogs docile and relaxed, and unleashed dogs running wild with tongues wagging out. Hours pass, sunscreen is applied and forgotten, the burn is on the necks and shoulders, the burn is on the meats and veggies on the grill. Before you know it, sun’s down, temperature begins to drop, and it’s time to pack up. Before you leave, spare a thought for the Spanish Navy who sailed into these waters in the latter half of the 18th-century: geographic testament lies in names Juan de Fuca, Galiano, Lángara, Malaspina, etc.

I made the photo on 6 June 2014 with a Canon 6D (mark 1) with 70-300 glass and the following settings: 1/200-sec, f/8, ISO200, and 92mm focal length. This post appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at as

Two vs. two volleyball: Spanish Banks East, Vancouver, BC, Canada - 18 Jul 2013,

Fotoeins Friday: first day of northern summer

The solstice marks the longest (shortest) day of the year in the northern (southern) hemisphere. For many in Vancouver, Canada, it’s perfect beach weather for a picnic, a swim, a row, or simply watch people go by, followed by a sunset over the water. Another popular activity here at Spanish Banks is beach volleyball, either 2 versus 2, or a full 6 against 6.

I made the photo above at Spanish Banks in Vancouver, Canada, on 18 July 2013. This post appears on Fotoeins Fotopress at as

English Bay, Vancouver, BC, Canada

My Vancouver: western beaches in winter (2012)

It’s easy to forget Vancouver has a number of beaches on both sides of Burrard Inlet. Returning to my hometown to begin my year-long around-the-world (RTW) trip was a good opportunity to revisit a number of places I hadn’t seen or visited in decades. One area was the “western beaches”; namely, Jericho Beach, Locarno Beach, and Spanish Banks along the northwest shoreline of the city.

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