Fotoeins Fotografie

location bifurcation, place vs. home

Posts tagged ‘Valle Redondo’

Little Colorado River, US 60, US 180, US 191, Springerville, Eager, Arizona, USA,

Fotoeins Friday on AZ US-60: Springerville

On US-60 in Arizona, on our day-long drive from Tucson, AZ to Santa Fe, NM.

We’ve passed through a field of cinder cones and we’re heading southeast and slightly downhill to Springerville: a town founded in 1870 with present-day population about 7000. At the location shown above, the road is shared by three highway designations: US 60, US 181, and US 190. It’s mid-October, and Escudilla Mountain in the distance has already been topped with snow. For us, snow is no worry, but the low fuel gauge is, and we’ve set aside time to stop in town to tank up.

I made the picture above on 19 October 2018 with a Fujifilm X70 fixed-lens prime and the settings: 1/500-sec, f/16, ISO1000, and 18.5mm focal length (28mm full-frame equivalent). This post appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com as