Fotoeins Fotografie

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Posts tagged ‘Jetpack’

T48 Klosterneuburg & Kalbsschnitzel

E47 V14.

Located only 20 km north from Vienna, Klosterneuburg established as a small town in the early 12th-century, before a monastery and imperial residence were built on high ground overlooking the Danube river. The nobles and the abbey owned a lot of land in Vienna, and a lot of that land took very well to grapes. Their long history of wine-making continues today with vineyards in the vicinity, within Vienna, and in other parts of Lower Austria.

Reading about wine got me hungry, and it was finally time to break the “schnitzel duck(-egg)” this visit. In Vienna’s inner city, I meandered into Meissl & Schadn for a second-time visit. I ordered the same as in 2022, with the addition of a small glass of “Wiener Gemischter Satz.”

Stiftskirche (Abbey church).
Symbols of power: a “marriage” of divine authority and noble privilege.
Above the Stiftarchiv (abbey archives) is a sundial from 1570 CE; I am a fan of sundials! Note how numbers are written from the time, especially 2 to 6. The shadow line intersects with 1 in the afternoon, consistent with the photo time of 2pm CEDT.
Inside the Pfarrkanzlei (right) is a visitor reception area for guided tours.
Visitor reception, where some tours begin (pic 0.5x).
The monastery continues its winemaking with its own vineyards in the region.
Examples of their own Grüner Veltliner, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc. (Not for tasting, unfortunately.)
Over the Donaugärten (Danube gardens), facing south; background: urban towers in Vienna’s 22nd district at left-centre, Leopoldsberg at centre-right.
Back to Vienna, and a return to Meissl & Schadn for their veal schnitzel fried in lard. Plus smooth refreshing “wash”, with “achtel” (0.125-L) Wiener Gemischter Satz DAC 2023 (left) and 0.5-L Soda Zitrone. (right). The wine paired very well with the meal.

I made all images above with an iPhone15 on 24 Jun 2024. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.

T47 Sunday times in Vienna’s 15. and 16.

E46 V13

In west-central Vienna, Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus and Ottakring are the city’s 15th and 16th districts, respectively. I started in the 16., where I found some street-art and an unusual church, and ended up on a bridge in the 15. in direct view of a railway station.

“einhundertundvierundzwanzig a”, by Brigitte Kowanz; address Hasnerstrasse 124a, for Kunstmeile Ottakring 1998.
“Energie, die aus dem Inneren kommt”, by Manfred Wakolbinger, on Paltaufgasse above the Volksbank, for Kunstmeile Ottakring 1998.
Quiet Sunday afternoon on Thaliastrasse.
SE corner of Kreitnergasse & Hasnerstrasse: bar-pub “Zum Alten Sünder” (To the old sinners).
Directly opposite at the NE corner of Kreitnergasse & Hasnerstrasse: “MI(L)CH”; “milk” without the ‘l’ is the pronoun “me”.
Heilig-Geist-Kirche (Church of the Holy Spirit), by architect Jože Plečnik, 1911-1913; the city’s first church made with reinforced concrete.
Heilig-Geist-Kirche, front altar.
From Schmelzbrücke (1x): late-afternoon illumination & view east into Westbahnhof (West train station). The shadow of the bridge’s steel arch is visible at lower-right.
Westbahnhof (2x). I like “(visual) lines of attack.”

I made all images above with an iPhone15 on 23 Jun 2024. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.

T46 Saturday summer stroll in Sievering

E45 V12

The 2nd-half begins: on travel day 46, Euro day 45, Vienna day 12.

Sievering is a neighbourhood in northwest Vienna against the city’s foothills. A warm summer Saturday is ideal to move among the quiet residential streets, far from the marauding masses within the city centre. I found remnants of a 17th-century siege, evidence of Hedy Lamarr as a young woman growing up in Vienna, a sculpture dedicated to a goose, and a gravesite for a man who wrote one of the most unique themes for a landmark film.

3 cannon balls at Sieveringer Straße 99, which gave the building here its name “Dreikugelhaus” (house with 3 cannon balls).
The inscription at the bottom of the centre ball states that a witness sighted cannon balls in the house in 1683 during the 2nd Ottoman Siege of Vienna.
Private residences at Sievering Straße 135. But the gate tells another story.
The space used to be film studios for Sascha Film, and later, Wien Film. A teenaged Hedwig Kiesler dropped out of high school, joined the studio as a “script girl,” and soon joined on-set ensembles for minor film roles. She would become Hedy Lamarr after moving to L.A.
Memorial to Lilli the goose. Until 1970, streetcar route 39 went up Sievering Straße. Near this location a goose would park itself comfortably on the rail. The tram driver would stop, and attempt to nudge the goose away for the tram to go through. The memorial is symbolic representation of small-town idyll.
Friedhof Sievering cemetery.
Decent view across town to towers in the 22nd district, including the Donauturm and Donau-City Tower 1.
Karolina (“Lina”) Loos: 1882-1950, actress and journalist.
Karas family, including Anton Karas who not only owned and operated a Vienna heuriger (wine tavern), but also was famous for composing the zither-instrument theme for the 1949 Carol Reed film “The Third Man.”
The south perimeter of the cemetery nestles against the verdant vineyards on Hackenberg.

I made all images above with an iPhone15 on 22 Jun 2024. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.

T45 “Walk in line”

E44 V11

Travel day 45, Euro day 44, Vienna day 11; it’s “half-time.”

Happy Solstice Day! Solstice marks the day where there is another period of 45 consecutive days of travel: still anticipating a bevy of tasty sights in the second-half.

I seem to be walking a ton. But how much?

Apple’s “Health” mobile app for iOS is useful in keeping track how much I walk every day. All accuracy aside, I’m okay if the app returns overestimates or underestimates by about 10 percent, because the numbers seem reasonable. For example, I’ve been out and about for 6 hours, and I see from the app I’ve walked about 10 km, which feels about right and fits with a rough measure with any online mapping tool. I’d have doubts, if I saw 1 km or 100 km. So, in all: iOS Health? Good enough.

45 days, thus far in 🇩🇪 and 🇦🇹.

Total walking distance: 417 km (259 mi).

Total number of steps: over 0.5-million.

Average total walk per day: 9.3 km (5.8 mi).

Average no. of steps per day: 13-thousand.

Average distance per step: 0.74 m (2.4 ft).

Average no. of steps for 1 km: about 1400.

Average no. of steps for 1 mi: about 2200.

Former main synagogue in the 2nd district (Leopoldstadt), destroyed in the 1938 Pogrom and symbolized present-day by 4 columns at the proper heights.
Ugi’s at Karmelitermarkt in the 2.: Fritz-Limo Zitrone and a freshly-made chicken dürüm. Hot damn, this sure feels a lot like home.
Hanging out in the 2.: my apartment block, street, and neighbourhood for May-June 2023.

I made all images above with an iPhone15 on 21 Jun 2024. “Walk In Line” is a 1987 track from Canadian band 54-40. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.

T44 Vienna’s Cottage Quarter

E43 V10

I spend a few afternoon hours walking the streets of this neighbourhood, admiring the villas and mansions, and marveling over how architect and neighbourhood co-founder Heinrich Ferstel had intended the target audience to be mid- to upper-class families in the late 19th-century. It might be worthwhile to examine the “economic differences” between then and now. Alternatively, we can imagine how the lure of these quiet English-style spaces would surely have been tempting, as a means of escaping the hustle and bustle of the “inner city.”

Haizinger Gasse 26.
Physicist Ludwig Boltzmann and his family lived here from 1902 to 1906.
Cottagegasse 31.
Cottagegasse 37, where …
… where Felix Salten wrote “Bambi” in 1923.
Cottagegasse 44.
Weimarer Straße 92.
Weimarer Straße 83.
Peter-Jordan-Straße 28-30.
Peter-Jordan-Straße 49.
Sternwarte Straße 53, where Vienna’s Cottage Association was formed.

I made all images above with an iPhone15 on 20 Jun 2024. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.