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Posts tagged ‘Hanseatic City of Hamburg’

T15 Hamburger FischbrĂśtchen

Fried-fish’wich, from Fisch & Co.

Into the north on day E14, proximity to both North and Baltic Seas, and the history of the Hanseatic League mean that Hamburg is well-known for its “Fischbrötchen”: literally, any kind of fish or seafood fitted or stuffed into a bread roll. This is my goal, this will be my “fish’wich” of the day.

I’m around the Nikolaifleet (Nicholas canal), and I’m in front of recommended Fisch & Co., a small place that delivers a lot of fish inside the little bistro, and a number of fish-rolls for takeaway. I have a look, but can’t decide between two. I ask the woman who’s just opened the doors if she would go smoked salmon or fried fish. She’s big on the latter, and who am I, to deny the very first fish-fry of the day.

Crispy & crunchy outside, flaky and juicy inside; great fish-to-crust ratio. If I’m not careful, I might just get a second one, “to go” of course …

Fisch & Co., at Deichstrasse 41.
At upper-right are Fischbrötchen “to go”: I was stuck between Räucherlachs and Backfisch.
Inside the cozy bistro; I’m customer number 1 of the day.
Backfisch-BrĂśtchen (fried fish in a roll, with remoulade and onions), and a Fritz-Limo Apfel-Kirsch-Holunder (apple cherry elderberry).
Almost fits in one hand. I sat outside on a bench, looking out towards the brick warehouses in the Speicherstadt.
The first bite was … scrumptious.
The perfect size for a (Backfisch-) FischbrĂśtchen.

From Hamburg’s central station (Hauptbahnhof), the U3 line goes west to Rödingsmarkt station, from which the walking distance is under 0.5 km to Fisch & Co.

I made all images above with an iPhone15 on 22 May 2024. I was neither sponsored nor supported for the visit to the establishment under discussion. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.

T14 Hamburg: who’s in Ohlsdorf?


In the northern part of Hamburg lies Europe’s largest cemetery at over 400 hectares (almost 990 acres) with over a quarter-million graves and almost 1.5 million burials since 1877. I went in search for a couple of names and found a couple more, to air out my lungs and stretch out my legs after a lengthy day on the train (from Trier).

Painter Philipp Otto Runge: 1777-1810.
Painter Anita RĂŠe: 1885-1933.
Actress Monica Bleibtreu: 1944-2009.
Physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (after whom the unit of frequency is named): 1857-1894.
Physicist Gustav Hertz (1887-1986): winner of Nobel Prize and nephew of Heinrich Hertz
Koch and Schmidt families …
Teacher & environmentalist Hannelore Loki Schmidt (1919-2010), and her husband Helmut Schmidt (1918-2017) who served as chancellor of West Germany from 1974 to 1982.
Eingänge sind Übergänge (Entrances are transitions)
Ohlsdorf cemetery

From Hamburg’s central station (Hauptbahnhof), a ride on either the U4 or S1 to Ohlsdorf brings the interested to the front gate of the cemetery.

Completed after 14 travel days: just over 121 km of walking, in 173649 steps (“Health” estimates).

I made all images above with an iPhone15 on 21 May 2024. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.