Fotoeins Fotografie

location bifurcation, place vs. home

Posts tagged ‘broken shutter’

Singapore, my RTW,

450D: the 75000 most important clicks with my camera

Above/featured: Singapore, 3 Jul 2012 (no. 37629).

For the seventh time, I’ve “flipped” or “rolled over” the four-digit image-counter on my camera. I’ve made over 70-thousand exposures, which is a great accomplishment for both camera and me. Unfortunately, exposure number 75000 will prove to be a bad omen.

I own a Canon EOS450D (Rebel XSi), an entry-level digital crop-sensor camera which was introduced to the consumer market in the first-quarter of 2008.

The camera has no weather-proofing, poor to average low-light capability, and a small burst-rate, but the camera is affordable, portable, and easy to use. The kit-lens doesn’t have great build-quality, but the lens is lightweight with a decent range in focal lengths for my kind of photography.

But, all good things must come to an end.

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