Fotoeins Fotografie

location bifurcation, place vs. home

Posts tagged ‘6. Bezirk’

T35 Vienna, 3rd year run

E34 V1

Travel day 35 (*) requires another long day of a rail trip from Bamberg to Vienna, via Nürnberg, that goes halfway across Germany and a good length across Austria. Not only will this be a 3rd consecutive visit to Vienna in 3 years, but also a 3rd consecutive 1-month stay: 2022 in the city’s 6th district (Mariahilf), last year in the 2nd district (Leopoldstadt), and this year I return to the 6th. In reacquainting myself with the ‘hood, the following are direct reminders of what I’d discovered 2 years ago, and that it’s great to be back in “the 6.” again.

(*) Europe day 34, Vienna day 1.

Neubaugasse; Vienna Pride 2024 took place 25 May to 9 June.
Ampelpärchen (traffic-light couples) at T-intersection of Amerlingstraße & Gumpendorfer Straße: male-male, red.
Ampelpärchen (traffic-light couples) at T-intersection of Amerlingstraße & Gumpendorfer Straße: male-male, green.
Ampelpärchen (traffic-light couples) at T-intersection of Amerlingstraße & Gumpendorfer Straße: female-female, red.
Ampelpärchen (traffic-light couples) at T-intersection of Amerlingstraße & Gumpendorfer Straße: female-female, green.
Ampelpärchen (traffic-light couples) at T-intersection of Amerlingstraße & Gumpendorfer Straße: male-female, red.
Ampelpärchen (traffic-light couples) at T-intersection of Amerlingstraße & Gumpendorfer Straße: male-female, green.

The diversity of Vienna’s Ampelpärchen (traffic-light couples) began with the city as hosts of the Eurovision Song Contest in 2015. Finding overwhelming popularity, the lights stayed on as permanent fixtures throughout the city after the festival.

I made all images above in Vienna’s 6th district with an iPhone15 on 11 Jun 2024. This post composed with Jetpack for iOS appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com.

Fotoeins Friday: Wien Mariahilf, 4 of 4

In the Austrian capital city of Vienna, the city’s 6th district is also known as Mariahilf. The district is home to over 30-thousand residents which is about 2-percent of the city’s entire population (2022). I stayed in Mariahilf for four weeks in the late-spring of 2022.

Whether it’s four hours or four weeks, the speed by which time passes from my reference frame is simply “fast.” My time in the city drew to a close, and I began looking at the neighbourhood with a different set of eyes. Early summer morning light never looked so good in a city I’ve come to adore.

I made the photo above on 12 Jun 2022 with a Fujifilm X70 fixed-lens prime and these settings: 1/500-sec, f/14, ISO1000, and 18.5mm focal length (28mm full-frame equivalent). This post appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com as

Fotoeins Friday: Wien Mariahilf, 3 of 4

In the Austrian capital city of Vienna, the city’s 6th district is also known as Mariahilf. The district is home to over 30-thousand residents which is about 2-percent of the city’s entire population (2022). I stayed in Mariahilf for four weeks in the late-spring of 2022.

As I returned to the apartment, afternoon light struck the building across the way, and I finally noticed the tree on the roof. I thought about what the view was like, how much the penthouse cost, and the lives and dreams of its occupants.

I made the photo above on 26 May 2022 with a Fujifilm X70 fixed-lens prime and these settings: 1/1000-sec, f/9, ISO1000, and 18.5mm focal length (28mm full-frame equivalent). This post appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com as

Fotoeins Friday: Wien Mariahilf, 2 of 4

In the Austrian capital city of Vienna, the city’s 6th district is also known as Mariahilf. The district is home to over 30-thousand residents which is about 2-percent of the city’s entire population (2022). I stayed in Mariahilf for four weeks in the late-spring of 2022.

In this frame, various elements of Vienna urbanity come together at Bundesländerplatz (Federal States Plaza). Partially pedestrianized Mariahilfer Strasse is full of people checking out shops, as well as other people. The recognizable “U” indicates an entrance to a U-Bahn underground metro station. The soft-cube “Würfel” shape is apparent in the tall U signage, as well as the familiar clocks appearing throughout the city. Finally, the city’s portable water dispensers make their appearance as temperatures rise in summer.

I made the photo above on 20 May 2022 with a Fujifilm X70 fixed-lens prime and these settings: 1/500-sec, f/16, ISO1000, and 18.5mm focal length (28mm full-frame equivalent). This post appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com as

Fotoeins Friday: Wien Mariahilf, 1 of 4

In the Austrian capital city of Vienna, the city’s 6th district is also known as Mariahilf. The district is home to over 30-thousand residents which is about 2-percent of the city’s entire population (2022). I stayed in Mariahilf for four weeks in the late-spring of 2022.

At dusk, on Sandwirtgasse, facing northeast towards Richard-Waldemar-Park.

I made the photo above on 14 May 2022 with a Fujifilm X70 fixed-lens prime and these settings: 1/125-sec, f/5, ISO5000, and 18.5mm focal length (28mm full-frame equivalent). This post appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com as