Fotoeins Fotografie

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Werdenfelser Fosanacht, Fastnacht, Maschkera, Fosnocht, Fasching, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Oberbayern, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Bayern, Germany,

Fotoeins Friday: February Fosanacht, group gathering

(26 February 2017.)

It’s a winter weekend afternoon, and despite the lack of precipitation, those gathered outside gravitate to huts and shacks offering drinks and snacks; note how some are dressed in costume. (I’m almost feeling nostalgic for pre-pandemic gatherings.)

In 2021, Carnival season in southern Germany, known as Fasching / Fosanacht / Maschkera, will occur in February. Key dates include Weiberfastnacht/Unsinnige Donnerstag (crazy Thursday) on 11 February, Fastnachtssonntag (Carnival Sunday) on 14 February, Rosenmontag (Shrove Monday) on 15 February, and Aschermittwoch (Ash Wednesday) on 17 February.

I made this photo on 26 February 2017 with the Canon EOS6D mark1, 24-105 glass, and the following settings: 1/500-sec, f/14, ISO5000, and 105mm focal length. This post appears on Fotoeins Fotografie at fotoeins DOT com as

4 Responses to “Fotoeins Friday: February Fosanacht, group gathering”

    • fotoeins

      Riiiissschtiiiiisch … man könnte auch daran gewöhnt, der ganze Monat in Südbayern zu feiern 😉 Danke für Deinen Kommentar!



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