Fotoeins Fotografie

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Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, Morande, Region Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile,

Fotoeins Friday: Dungarees vs. Suits (Santiago de Chile)

20 October 2006.

Shortly after moving to La Serena, Chile, I headed back to the capital city of Santiago for a few days. After visiting the Cultural Centre at La Moneda, I stepped out to the streets and turned the corner to witness the afternoon traffic on its primary east-west axis, Avenida Libertador Bernardo O’ Higgins. I saw a skateboarder heading towards me and not far was a man in a black suit standing to the side. My intuition leapt, and I quickly lifted my point-and-shoot camera. The gap in economic class continues not only in Chile but throughout South America.

I made the photo with the Canon Powershot A510 on 20 October 2006. This post appears on Fotoeins Fotopress at as The following excerpt from “WKRP in Cincinnati” parodies the struggle between “suits” and “non-suits”.

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