Fotoeins Fotografie

location bifurcation, place & home

Fotoeins’ five : Capture the Colour

Fellow Canadian Holly Fraser at Same Skies Above kindly nominated me to “capture the colour” and participate in the present online meme sponsored by TravelSupermarket. It was a great opportunity to go through the past few years of my travel photography, and pick out some gems for this post.


Snorkeling lesson at Junkanoo : Nassau, The Bahamas – 3 May 2012

I’d heard and read about the blue skies, turquoise waters, and white sands in the Caribbean, and I’d dismissed all of the descriptions as “exaggerations for memories.” However, they’re all undeniably true. Spending a few weeks in the Bahamas was a magical and relaxing experience.


Curly-tailed lizard : Dicks Point, Nassau, The Bahamas – 5 May 2012

I saw this little guy climb from the wall and onto the branches, just outside the front door. The curly-tailed lizard stayed still, checking me out, and evaluating whether I was a threat. Just as I clicked, it scurried off into the bushes. I’m fortunate I got the various splashes of green and the bokeh in the background.


The U6 blur : Oranienburger Tor station, Berlin, Germany – 4 Oct 2009

In the German capital, the Berlin subway or U-Bahn consists of yellow trains. As this U6 train entered into Oranienburger Tor station, I had no idea when I made this photo how uniformly the yellow would appear throughout the entire frame. Sometimes, it pays to be lucky and patient.


Schneefernerkopf (top-left) & Zugspitzeck (center) : Zugspitze, Germany/Austria – 9 Oct 2011

Standing at Germany’s highest point offers a look of the Alps, which on the clearest of days extends as far as Italy. Taking a chance on both the expense of the round-trip and cloudy skies (from the valley below), the view in clear skies at altitude of the surrounding peaks with the new snow-frosting was worth every penny.


Ornaments, Weihnachtsmärkte (Christmas markets), Frankfurt am Main, Germany – 18 Dec 2010

A favourite time of the year to visit Germany is during Weihnachtsmärkte or Christmas markets. Trudging through the snow in Frankfurt am Main’s markets, we stopped at an ornaments stand, when this explosion of red stars was begging to be photographed. And who was I to turn down such beautiful begging …

To continue the wash of colour, I’d like to nominate the following bloggers:

I made the photos above with a Canon EOS450D (XSi) camera. This post appears on Fotoeins Fotopress at

Disclosure: The author has written this post which is associated with a contest, sweepstakes, giveaway, or other special offer described in the post. Please see additional details at the Travel Supermarket website.

20 Responses to “Fotoeins’ five : Capture the Colour”

    • fotoeins

      Hi, Cathy. I think it was fun, just going through my list and thinking about which photos would best represent each colour. The yellow is pretty good with the “Vrrrrroooom” action, but out of the five, the blue and the red speak to me the most! Thank you for your kind comments!


    • fotoeins

      Hi, Xandré. This has been a fun exercise, and I’m happy to see that people enjoy the colourful selections. 🙂 Thanks!


    • fotoeins

      Hi, Anita. Thank you! 🙂 Sometimes one has so many photos that it can be very difficult to make the right choices!


    • fotoeins

      Hi, Maria. I enjoyed selecting all five, and a special memory is associated with each photo. Thanks for stopping by and for your very kind comment; I look forward to reading about your five colours!


    • fotoeins

      Hi, Holly. Thanks for your nomination and for stopping by to check out my five colour choices! Sometimes I’m a little too “close” to the photos and I forget. But looking back, I know what you mean by that “chilly feeling” when faced with that mountain-top view for “WHITE”. 🙂

      Thanks again!


    • fotoeins

      Muchas gracias, Eva! It’s always interesting to see what colour interests people most. For me, the five I included in this post are my little “best-colour-friends” … that is, until I see and make a photo of a new scene. 🙂 Thanks again for reading and for your comment!


    • fotoeins

      Hi, Shirlene & Jeremy. I agree – the “white” is pretty funky! 🙂 Have you been up to Zugspitze (“the top of Germany”), or any other peaks in the Alps? Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment!


    • fotoeins

      Hi, Erik. True enough: just as my recent 3 Travel Memories post came entirely out of my New Zealand visit, the 5 Colours post could have been the same. Glad to see that many are also thinking the same way! 🙂 Thanks for your comment!



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